Wayne Austen

Wayne Austen
....For it was he.


'Willow Tit Willow Tit Willow'


Anonymous said...

Sweet ;-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Edna - May I introduce myself. My name is DJ Frogknot, and I am a clairaudient (like yourself) who has had the good fortune to be in contact through the ethers of time with a Master Midge Gemme - who was a contemporary and correspondant of Wayne's, and a good friend of Willow Woofter - well known to Wayne in many ways.... He would like you to know that this latest selection is "positively delightful. I am sure Willow would have adored this song....".
Cheers lovie and hope to chat with you more about temporal channeling.

Yours in admiration,
DJ Frogknot x